ISO Certification Bikaner

ISO Certification Bikaner city of Rajasthan. Bikaner is known to be the biggest woolen mart in India as well as all over Asia like manufacturing high-quality carpets, woolen garments, furnishing items, and more.

Who we are?

QFS LLP is an accredited ISO certification body for management systems from (IAS-IAF) on a wide range of international standards.

Standards We Do Have Accreditation:

Our Approach

We ensure that ISO Certificate in Bikaner adds value to your brand rather than distracting it by getting local certification. Your certificate’s global traceability helps in passing the Certificate Verification process conducted by your overseas customers.

What is ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 Certification is defined as the world standard that specifies requirements for a Quality Management System. The corporation uses the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet clientele and regulatory requirements.

ISO 9001 Certification

Benefits of ISO Certification:-


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